General Info
Good stuff
Jan van der Steens Pages --- Lots of info on go
Go FAQ --- Frequently asked questions about go for the newsgroup
Mind Sport Zine --- An excellent, but unfortunately no longer updated site.
Rafael's Go Page --- Another go site with lots of useful info.
Sensei's Library --- A collaboration web site. Read and contribute!
Go News --- News and games from the professional scene
Turn-based go guild --- Meet other turn-based go players
Hikaru no Go --- A manga about go. Recommended!
An Interactive Introduction --- This is a very nice site to learn with.
Introduction --- Very well written introduction by the British Go Association.
How to Teach Go --- This is all you need to get started. Very basic stuff
Scot's Go Page --- This is more in-depth.
Strategy and terms
An Introduction to Shape
Go Problems --- Working through these can help out your game.
Go Teaching Ladder --- Submit your games for comments to see where you might have played better.
Common Japanese Go Terms --- You have to know what other players are talking about.
More Japanese Go Terms --- Translated and explained.
A Brief History --- For you people with short attention spans.
The Extended History --- In case you're an aspiring know-it-all.
Go books, equipment and software
Annotated Go Bibliographies --- A large collection of go book reviews
Slate & Shell
Het Paard --- European shop
Other go servers
It's your turn --- Also turn based. Has several other games.
Kiseido Go Server --- Server with java interface
IGS --- A large server for realtime play
NNGS --- An open sourced go server
Server list --- A more complete list of servers