[NWGO Server]

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Installation instructions


*) A webserver which can use php, e.g., apache (
*) php >= 4.1.0 (
*) mysql >= 3.23 (
*) cvs client (

1) Download:

Either from cvs:

> cd /path/to/the/directory/where/you/want/dragon/to/be
> cvs login
> cvs -z3 co DragonGoServer
> mv DragonGoServer/* .
> rmdir DragonGoServer

or download a cvs snapshot from (

2) Make a mysql database and a mysql user to access the database:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE dragon;
mysql> GRANT select, insert, update, delete ON dragon.* TO dragon@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';

3) Create mysql tables:

> mysql < init.mysql

and add some translations:

> mysql < translationdata.mysql

4) Edit permissions for include/config.php and translations/:

Find which group your webserver is using (e.g. www-data).
> su -c 'chgrp www-data include/config.php translations'
> chmod 640 include/config.php
> chmod 664 translations/

5) Add some cron jobs. These should preferrably be run on a remote machine, so that the
   clock is not running when the network is down.

> crontab -e

# m  h dom mon dow command
0,30 *  *   *   *   wget -q -O - http://your.url/send_notifications.php
*/5  *  *   *   *   wget -q -O - http://your.url/clock_tick.php
25   5  *   *   *   wget -q -O - http://your.url/daily_cron.php

6) Complain to the support forum at dragon ( if it doesn't
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